Snake in Mouth Pictograph panel

Snake in Mouth
Pictograph Panel


           Snake in Mouth in a interesting pictograph panel located high in an alcove overlooking the canyon below. The panel requires a small amount of scrambling with minor exposure to visit.

Circle of Friends:
          Snake in Mouth is part of the "Circle of Friends" program. Members of the "Circle of Friends" have access to more specific information, explicit route information, GPS waypoints, trailhead location and detailed maps. If you would like more information on joining the "Circle of Friends" visit the sign up page.

"Circle of Friends"

The small snake Shauna hiking the ledge below the panel.

General Information:
          Snake in Mouth Pictograph Panel contains two large
anthropomorphic (human) figures, with a large snake over the head of the first, and a small blue snake in the mouth of the second. It appears as if there was an interesting third figure present at one time but it has been naturally white washed over by time and the elements. The rock art is accessible year round in all weather conditions.

          A GPS is useful in locating the rock art. Navigation for this route is moderate. Snake in Mouth is rated 2A I using the Canyon Rating System.

          A tour involving Intestine Man, Snake in Mouth and the rock art panels in Sevenmile Canyon are usually combined into an impressive adventure requiring about half-a-day.

Snake in Mouth Pictograph Panel

Trailhead Information:
          This hike is located just outside of Moab. The trailhead is accessible to all vehicles, year round, via a paved highway.

Snake in Mouth Pictograph Panel Snake in Mouth Pictograph Panel

          Enjoy a short video of the Snake in the Mouth Pictograph panel in Moab, Utah.


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